Oil-derived synthetics like polyester have become a dominant part of wardrobes worldwide, but at a huge environmental cost. Not only does the full life cycle of 1 kg of conventional polyester fabric release more than an estimated 30 kg of CO2 equivalents to the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect and global warming, it also continues to harm the environment as it sheds microplastics every wash.

Why We Choose Not To Use Polyester

  • Laundering synthetic clothes accounts for 35% of primary microplastics released into the environment. A single laundry load of polyester clothes can discharge 700,000 microplastic fibers that can end up in the food chain. 2
  • Most polyesters are not biodegradable, meaning it can take anywhere between 20 and 200 years for polyester products to decompose. 3
  • Clothing made principally from polyester is also less enjoyable to wear. The material doesn’t breathe in the same way that naturally-derived materials like cotton and linen do. Put simply: you’ll sweat more.